
2015-2-2 13:57| 发布者: anfzh| 查看: 2327| 评论: 0|来自: 金属加工

摘要: 史上最全的焊接专业英语词汇来了!此文有按汉字排序的,也有以英文字母排序,实乃工作学习之必备良品!还说啥呢,赶紧收藏吧!


保护气体shielding gas

变形 deformation

波浪变形buckling distortion

补焊repair welding


层状撕裂 Lamellar Tear

插销试验Implant Test

常规力学性能convention mechanics performance

超声波探伤 ultrasonic inspection

衬垫焊welding with backing

船形焊fillet welding in the flat position

磁粉探伤 magnetic particle inspection

粗滴过渡 globular transfer

脆性断裂 brittlement fracture

淬火 vt. quench n. ~ing

错边变形 dislocating distortion

搭接 lap welding

打底焊backing welding

单道焊single-pass welding

单面焊welding by one side

导电嘴wire guide ;contact tube

等离子弧焊plasma welding

低合金钢 low alloy steel

点焊 spot welding

电弧动特性 dynamic characteristic

电弧焊 electric arc welding

电弧静特性 static characteristic




电源power supply;power source

电阻焊 resistance welding


定位焊 tack welding

短路过渡 short circuiting transfer


断续焊intermittent welding

堆焊surfacing;build up welding

对接butt welding

钝边 root face

多层焊multi-layer welding

多道焊multi-pass welding

二氧化碳气体保护焊 carbon-dioxide arc welding

反接reversed polarity;positive electrode




分段多层焊 block sequence welding

分段退焊 backstep sequence

封底焊back welding;sealing welding

缝焊seam welding

根部间隙 root gap;root opening

固体夹杂solid inclusions

过热区overheated zone


焊缝seam welding


焊缝成形系数 form factor(of the weld )

焊缝代号welding symbols

焊缝厚度 weld throat thickness

焊缝金属weld metal

焊缝宽度weld width

焊缝凸度 convexity

焊根root of weld

焊后热处理 postweld heat treatment

焊机welding machine


焊脚尺寸 fillet weld size;size of a fillet weld

焊接变位机welding positioner


焊接材料 welding material

焊接残余变形 welding residual deformation

焊接翻转机welding tilter

焊接工艺welding technology

焊接工艺参数 welding condition(welding parameter)

焊接工艺评定evaluation about technology of welding

焊接工作台 welding bench

焊接规范welding norm ;welding specifation

焊接机器人 welding robot

焊接技术 welding technique

焊接夹具 fixture

焊接缺陷 crack imcomplete penatration

焊接热循环 weld thermal cycle

焊接熔池 welding pool

焊接顺序welding sequence

焊接速度 welding speed

焊接位置 position of welding

焊接温度场 welding temperature field



焊接应力 welding stress


焊枪welding gun

焊丝 welding wire

焊条 welding rod;electrode

焊趾 toe of weld

横焊horizontal position welding

横向收缩变形transverse shringkage distortion


弧长length of arc

弧坑裂纹 crater crack


混合比mixing ratio

基本尺寸 basic dimensions

激光焊laser beam welding

夹紧力clamping force

间隙 gap

减压器pressure regulator

交流 alternating current

角变形angular distortion

角接 fillet welding

接头 joint

近缝区Near Weld Zone


快速割嘴 nozzle for high-flame cutting

扩散焊diffusion welding

冷裂纹Cold Cracking

立焊vertical position welding

连续焊continuous welding

流量 the rate of flow


螺旋变形twisting distortion

埋弧焊 submerged arc welding

脉冲氩弧焊 plused argon arc welding

密封性检验 leak test

摩擦焊 friction welding

母材basic material

内应力 internal stress

耐压检验 pressure test

挠曲变形bending distortion

扭曲变形 distormation

喷射过渡 spray transfer


疲劳性能 fatigue property

平焊flat position welding

坡口 groove

坡口角度groove angle

气孔gas cavity

气密性检验 air tight test

气体保护电弧焊 gas shielding arc welding


切割 cut

氢致裂纹 Hgdrogen induced Crack

清根back chipping


缺陷分级 classification for imperfection

热烈纹heat crack

热烈纹 Hot Cracking

热应力thermal stress

热影响区 Heat Affected Zone


actual weld-throat thick-ness焊缝厚度

all-around weld (整周焊缝)环焊缝

angle butt weld斜对接焊

angle weld角焊

appearance of weld焊缝成形

arc-seam weld电弧缝焊

arc-spot weld电弧点焊


arc welding 弧焊

aspect ratio of weld焊缝成形系数

at weld edge在焊缝边上

attachment weld连接焊缝

automatic spot weld自动点焊法

automatic weld自动焊接

axis of a weld焊缝中心线; 焊接轴线

axis of weld焊缝轴线; 焊接轴线

arc seam weld电弧缝焊缝

arc spot weld 电弧焊点

arc strike 碰弧

as–brazed 钎接态

as–welded 焊态

argon (shielded) arc welding氩弧焊接

argon tungsten-arc welding钨极氩弧焊

argon-arc welding氩弧焊

argonaut welding自动氩弧焊

atomic H welding氢原子焊

atomic hydrogen welding原子氢焊

atomic-hydrogen welding原子氢焊接

austenite welding不锈钢焊接

autogenous pressure welding自动压合热焊

autogenous welding气焊

automatic arc welding head自动电弧焊接机头

automatic arc welding machine自动电焊机; 自动弧焊机

automatic drying line for welding electrode电焊条自动烘焙线

automatic slag pool welding自动电渣焊

automatic spot welding自动点焊

automatic submerged arc welding自动埋弧焊

automatic submerged slag welding of rail钢轨自动埋弧电弧焊

automatic submerged-arc welding machine埋弧自动焊机

automatic transverse welding横向自动焊

automatic welding自动焊; 自动焊接

automatic welding head自动焊头

automatic welding machine自动焊接机

automatic welding of circumferential seams环缝自动焊

automatic welding process自动焊接工艺规程

automation of welding焊接自动化

arc-welded pipe弧焊管

arc-welded steel pipe电弧焊接钢管

around openings for welded attachments环绕焊接附件孔口

as welded焊态(金属加工微信提供)


automatic arc welded tube自动电弧焊缝管

air-acetylene welding空气-乙炔焊接

argon arc welding 氩弧焊

automatic slag-pool welding 自动电渣焊

aircomatic welding 自动调弧氩弧焊, 惰性气体保护金属极弧焊

aluminothermic welding 铸焊, 铝热剂焊接

austenite welding 不锈钢(焊条)焊接

automatic submerged arc welding 自动埋弧焊

argon shielded arc welding 氩护电弧焊


all-welded construction全焊结构

automatic spot weld 自动点焊法

AC & D. C. arc welding machine交直流弧焊机

AC arc welding交流电弧焊

AC gas metal-arc welding process交流熔化极气保护焊

AC gas tungsten arc welding交流钨极气保护焊

AC welding set交流焊机; 交流焊接变压器

AC-dc welding machine交直流两用焊机

acetylene welding气焊; 乙炔焊; 乙炔焊接

acetylene welding torch乙炔焊炬; 乙炔接焊吹管

air-acetylene welding空气-乙炔焊接

all-position welding全位置焊接

alloy steel gas welding rod合金钢气焊条

alternating current arc welding交流电弧焊

alternating current welding machine交流电焊机

aluminium alloy arc welding electrode铝合金焊条

aluminothermic welding铝热焊; 铸焊

angle backwards welding后倾焊

axial bend test纵弯试验

angle butt welding斜口对接焊

angle forwards welding前倾焊

annealing welding wave退火焊波

antogenous welding氧炔焊

apparatus for butt welding平接压焊夹具

arc braze welding电弧钎焊

arc flash welding电弧闪光焊

arc spot welding电铆焊

arc stud welding柱钉电弧焊; 螺柱电弧焊

arc voltage feedback controlling arc welding弧压反馈电弧焊

arc welding电弧焊; 电弧焊接; 弧焊

arc welding electrode电弧焊条(金属加工微信提供)

arc welding generator电弧焊接用发电机; 弧焊发电机

arc welding generator with independent excitation自激弧焊发电机; 他激电焊发电机

arc welding generator with self-excitation自激电焊发电机

arc welding machine弧焊机; 电焊机; 电弧焊机

arc welding mask电弧焊遮罩

arc welding process电弧焊接工艺过程

arc welding rectifier弧焊整流器

arc welding robot弧焊机器人

arc welding set电弧焊机组

arc welding transformer弧焊变压器

arc-welding electrode电弧焊用焊条

arc-welding plant电焊厂

arcogen welding电弧氧乙炔焊

air-acetylene welding空气-乙炔焊接

aircomatic welding自动调弧氩弧焊, 惰性气体保护金属极弧焊

aluminothermic welding铸焊, 铝热剂焊接

argon arc welding氩弧焊(金属加工微信提供)

argon shielded arc welding氩护电弧焊

austenite welding不锈钢(焊条)焊接

automatic slag-pool welding自动电渣焊

automatic submerged arc welding自动埋弧焊


back of weld焊缝背面

back gouging 背面清根

backing 衬垫

backing gas 背面保护气

base metal 母材

backing groove of weld焊缝反面坡口

backing weld底焊; 底焊焊缝

bare metal arc weld裸焊条电弧焊

bead weld珠焊; 堆焊

bead-on-plate weld堆焊焊缝

beading weld凸焊

beam-to-beam weld梁间焊接; 梁式引线焊接

block sequence weld分段多层焊

bond weld钢轨接头焊接

bridge seam weld桥缝焊接; 桥线焊

brize weld硬焊

braze 钎接接头

brazer 钎接工

brazing 钎接

butt weld对接焊缝

butt weld ends对头焊接端

butt-weld碰焊; 平式焊接; 对头焊接

butt-weld in the downhand position对接平焊

butt-weld joint对头焊接

butt-weld pipe mill对焊管轧机

button spot weld按电钮点焊

back hand welding后退焊; 反手焊接

back step welding反手焊接

back ward welding反手焊接

back welding底焊; 退焊法

back-step welding分段退焊法

backhand welding逆向焊; 右焊法; 后焊法; 向后焊

backing welding打底焊

backstep welding分段逆焊; 分段退焊; 反向焊; 逐步退焊法; 逆向焊

backstep welding sequence分段退焊次序

backward welding后倾焊; 后退焊; 向右焊

balanced welding对称焊

bare welding rod光焊条

bare wire arc welding光焊丝电弧焊

bead welding窄焊道焊接

bench arc welding machine台式弧焊机

bevel welding斜角焊

blacksmith welding锻工焊接; 锻焊

block sequence welding分段多层焊; 分段连续焊接

block welding块焊接

big diameter welded tube大口径焊缝管

blacksmith welded joint煅接接头

butt welded (bw)对焊机

butt welded seam对焊缝

butt-welded drill对头焊接钻头

butt-welded joint对焊接头

butt-welded pipe对缝焊接管

butt-welded rail ends对焊轨端

butt-welded tube对缝焊管; 对焊钢管; 对口焊接钢管

butt-welded with square ends方头对焊

braze welding硬焊, 铜焊, 钎焊

butt welding对接焊, 对焊

butt weld对接焊缝

blasting welding factory爆破焊接厂

braze welding 硬焊, 铜焊, 钎焊

butt welding 对接焊, 对焊

butt weld 对接焊缝

backing run; backing weld打底焊道

block welding sequence分段多层焊

body welding machine罐身焊接机

both sides welding双面焊接

brass welding rod黄铜焊条

braze welding钎焊; 钎焊接; 钎接; 铜焊


bridge spot welding带接合板点焊; 单面衬垫点焊; 单面搭板点焊

bridge welding桥接焊; 盖板焊

brize welding硬焊

build (built) up welding堆焊

build-up welding堆焊

building-up by welding堆焊

butt resistance welding电阻对焊; 对接电阻焊

butt seam welding对接滚焊

butt seam welding machine对接缝焊机

butt welding对接焊; 平对焊

butt welding machine对接焊机

butt welding process对接焊法


butt-welding machine对焊机


cap weld最后焊层; 盖面焊缝

carbon content of weld materials焊接材料的碳含量

cast-weld construction铸焊结构

caulk weld填缝焊

contour weld 特形焊接

concave fillet weld 凹角焊

carbon arc weld 碳极弧焊

capability of welding vertically upwards直上焊接能力

capacitor-discharge welding电容放电焊接

carbon arc welding碳弧焊; 碳极弧焊

carbon in materials for welding焊接用材料中的碳

carbon-dioxide arc welding二氧化碳保护焊

carriage of automatic welding machine自动焊机走架

cascade welding阶梯式焊; 山形多层焊

cascade welding sequence串级叠置法

cast welding铸焊

concave fillet weld凹形角焊缝

carbon arc weld碳极弧焊

concave fillet weld凹角焊

contour weld特形焊接


centralized installation of welding machine多站焊接

chain intermittent fillet welding并列断续角焊缝; 链式断续角焊

chemical welding化学焊

circular seam welding环缝对接焊

circular seam-welding machine环形滚焊机

cleaning before welding焊接前的清理

cleaning of welding deposits焊接沉积的清理

closed butt gas pressure welding闭式加压气焊

cold welding冷焊; 冷压焊

cold-pressure welding冷压焊

combined cutting and welding torch焊割两用炬

combined cutting and-welding blow-pipe焊割两用炬

combined thermit welding加压铸焊

complete penetraction and fusion in welding全焊透

complete fusion 完全熔合

caulking weld密实焊缝

chain intermittent fillet weld链式分段角焊; 并列间断角焊缝

chain intermittent weld并列焊接

circular weld环形焊缝

circumferential weld环缝; 环焊缝

cleft weld裂口焊

closed weld底边无缝焊; 无间隙焊缝

closed-chamber fusion weld闭室熔焊

cluster weld丛聚焊缝

coil weld 卷板对接焊; 卷板对接焊; 板卷焊

cold weld 冷压接

commutator-controlled weld 换向控制焊接

complete penetration butt weld 贯穿对焊

composite weld 紧密焊缝; 强度密封焊缝

concave filled weld 凹形角焊缝

concave filler weld 凹角焊

concave fillet weld 凹面填角焊

concave weld 凹焊缝; 凹面焊; 凹形焊缝; 轻型焊

connective weld 联系焊缝

continuous butt-weld mill 连续式炉焊管机组

continuous fillet weld连续(填)角焊缝; 连续角焊缝; 连续贴角焊

continuous weld 连续焊缝

continuous weld process连续式炉焊管法

contour weld 特形焊接

convex fillet weld 凸角焊缝; 凸形角焊缝

convex weld 凸焊缝; 凸形焊缝

copper weld wire 包铜钢丝

corner flange weld 单卷边角焊缝

corner weld 角焊

corner-flange weld 卷边角焊缝; 卷边角焊缝

crack of weld 焊部裂纹

cross weld十字交叉焊缝; 横向焊缝

cross-wire weld十字焊

crotch weld 楔接锻接; 楔接焊接

cup weld 带盖板焊缝

condenser (discharge) spot-welding machine 电容器放电点焊机

condenser discharge spot welding 电容储能点焊; 电容贮能点焊

constant current welding machine 恒流电焊机

constant energy welding machine 恒功率电焊机

constant voltage welding machine 恒压电焊机

constant-current arc welding power source 垂降特性弧焊电源

constant-current welding source 恒流式焊接电源

constant-power welding source 恒功率式焊接电源

constant-pressure pressure welding 恒压压力焊

constant-temperature pressure welding恒温压力焊

constant-voltage welding machine恒电压焊机

constant-voltage welding source恒压式焊接电源; 平特性焊接电源

consumable electrode welding 熔化极电弧焊

consumable guide electroslag welding自耗定向电渣焊

contact welding 接触焊

continuous feed welding 连续送丝电弧焊

continuous welding 连续焊; 连续焊接

contour welding 绕焊

controlled arc welding 可控电弧焊接

controlled atmosohere arc welding 充气室电弧焊

controlled atmospere arc welding 充气式电弧焊

controlled tungsten-arc welding 自动控制弧长的钨极电弧焊

controlled-transfer welding 可控过渡电弧焊

convex fillet welding 凸面角焊缝

copper arc welding electrode 铜焊条

copper welding rod 铜焊条

copper-alloy arc welding electrode 铜合金焊条

copper-aluminium welding rod 铜铝焊条

copper-nickel welding rod 铜镍焊条

copper-silicon welding rod 铜硅焊条

copper-tin welding rod 铜锡焊条

copper-zinc welding rod 铜锌焊条

core welding-wire 焊芯

core wire for welding rod 焊条芯线

corrosion due to welding 焊接腐蚀

cosmetic welding 盖面焊

cover chain welding 链节式药皮包丝焊接

CO2 arc welding machine 二氧化碳弧焊机

cracking test for automatic welding 自动焊抗裂试验

crankshaft flashbutt welding 曲轴电阻弧花压焊

cross welding 横向焊缝

cyc-arc welding 圆环电弧焊

cast welded rail joint 铸焊钢轨接头

continuous welded rail 连续焊接钢轨

carbon arc welding 碳弧焊

carbon dioxide gas arc welding二氧化碳气体保护焊


depth of weld焊接深度

dissimilar weld metal不同的焊接金属; 不同金属的焊接

distance between the toes of a weld焊缝宽度

double groove weld双面坡口焊缝

double-bevel groove weld双斜边坡口焊缝; 双斜坡口焊

double-flanged butt weld双弯边对接焊缝

double-V groove weld双斜边坡口焊缝; 双斜坡口焊

downhand weld平焊缝

duplex spot weld双点点焊接头

deck welding重力焊

double fillet welded T-joint双面丁字形焊接

double-welded butt joint双面焊对接接头

double-welded lap joint双面焊搭接接头

deep fillet welding深熔角焊

downhand welding俯焊

downward welding平焊, 俯焊

downhand weld 平焊缝

double-bevel groove weld 双斜边坡口焊缝, K形坡口焊缝

deep fillet welding深角焊

deep penetration welding深熔焊

deep penetration welding electrode深熔焊条

deep welding深焊

die welding模焊; 冲模堆焊

diesel engine driven DC arc welding machine柴油机驱动直流弧焊机

differential-excited welding generator差激电焊发电机

diffusion welding扩散焊接

direct spot welding双面点焊

direct welding双面点焊

direction of welding焊接方位; 焊接方向

discontinuous welding断续焊

dot welding点焊

double carbon-arc welding间接碳弧焊

double side welding双面焊接

down-hand welding俯焊

downhand welding平焊

downward welding in the inclined position下坡焊

downward welding in the vertical position向下立焊

dual-arc welding双弧焊

double-bevel groove weld双斜边坡口焊缝, K形坡口焊缝

downhand weld平焊缝


edge joint weld边缘焊

edge weld端接焊; 端接焊缝; 端面焊缝; 对边焊

electric resistance weld mill电阻焊管机

electric weld-pipe mill电焊管机

groove weld坡口焊; 坡口焊缝; 有坡口焊缝; 凹槽焊

electric-weld pipe mill电焊管机

emporary weld临时点定焊缝

excess weld metal焊缝补强金属; 补强; 补强焊料; 补强金属

excess weld metal(焊缝的)余高

explosive weld爆炸焊接

electric welded anchor cable电焊锚链

electric welded steel pipe电焊钢管

electric-resistance-welded steel pipe电阻焊钢管

electric-welded pipe电焊管

electrically welded tube电焊管

expanded and welded tube joint胀焊

electric butt welding welding电阻接触焊

electrogas welding气电焊

electrogas flux-cored welding气电管状焊条焊接

electro-beam welding电子束焊接

electrode [electrical arc] welding电弧焊

electron-bombardment welding真空电子束焊

electronic arc welding直流电弧焊

electrons leaves welding电子束焊接

electropercussive welding电冲击焊, 电接触焊, 电点焊

electroslag welding电渣焊

electrostatic percussion welding静电焊接

eutectic welding低温焊

exothermic welding铝热焊

edge seam welding端面接头滚焊

edge welding边缘焊接

edgewise welding沿边焊接

electric and pressure welding电压力焊接

electric arc spot welding电弧点焊

electric arc welding generators电弧焊接发电机

electric arc welding machine电弧焊机

electric butt welding电阻接触焊

electric resistance welding电阻焊接; 热电阻焊

electric slag welding电渣焊

electric spot welding电点焊

electric welding电焊

electric welding cast copper solder铸铜电焊条

electric welding equipment电焊设备

electric welding generator电焊发电机

electric welding hammer电焊锤

electric welding machine电焊机

electric welding plant电焊厂

electric welding pliers电焊钳

electric welding rod电焊条

electric welding strip电焊片

electric-arc welding电弧焊

electric-resistance seam-welding电阻缝焊

explosive welding爆炸焊接

edge weld端接焊缝

explosive weld 爆炸焊接

explosive weld爆炸焊接


face of weld焊缝表面; 焊接面

fibrous weld纤维状焊缝

field weld现场焊接

filler weld填角焊缝

fillet weld角焊缝; 填角焊; 贴角焊

fillet weld in normal shear (搭接接头的)正面角焊缝

fillet weld in parallel shear侧面角焊缝; 侧面填角焊

fillet weld in the flat

fillet weld in the horizontal position横向角焊缝

fillet weld size焊角尺寸; 填角焊缝尺寸

flame weld火焰焊接

flange weld卷边焊缝; 卷边焊缝

flange-to-web weld卷边焊缝; 卷边焊缝

flanged butt weld弯边对接焊

flanged edge weld卷边焊; 卷边焊

flash butt weld闪光焊

flash weld闪速对焊

flat faced fillet weld平顶角焊缝焊接

flat fillet weld平角焊

ing of fillet weld角焊缝平焊; 船形角焊

flush fillet weld平角焊

flush weld削平补强的焊缝; 平焊接; 无加强高的焊缝

forge weld锻焊焊缝

forged weld (焊后锻压的)锻压焊缝

form factor of the weld焊缝成形系数

formation of weld焊缝成形

front fillet weld正侧面填角焊缝; 正面填角焊

front(al) fillet weld正面角焊缝

full fillet weld满角焊缝; 全角焊

full penetration butt weld满对接焊

full weld满焊

full-fillet weld满角焊

full-sized weld全尺寸焊缝

full-strength weld (与母材等强)等强焊缝

fillet welding (填角焊)贴角焊

fillet welding in the downhand position船形角焊

fillet welding in the flat position船形焊

fillet welding in the horizontal position横角焊

fillet welding in the vertical position立角焊

fine welding精密焊接

fine wire welding细丝焊

fire cracker welding躺焊

fire welding锻焊; 锻接

fixed welding machine固定式焊机

fixed-position welding定位焊接

flame welding熔气焊

flare welding喇叭形坡口焊接

flash butt welding闪光对焊; 闪光对接焊

flash welding闪光电弧焊; 闪光焊; 闪焊; 火花电弧焊; 火花对焊

flash-butt welding电阻闪光焊接

flashover welding闪光焊

flat position welding平焊; 顶面平卧焊

flat position welding of fillet weld角焊缝平焊; 船形角焊

flat welding平卧焊(金属加工微信提供)

flexible welding rod软焊条

flexible wire for electric welding电焊软线

flow welding流注焊接; 浇焊

fluid welding流焊

flux-cored welding包芯焊条焊接

fly-wheel type friction welding贮能摩擦焊; 储能摩擦焊

flywheel friction welding惯性摩擦焊

forehand welding向前焊; 向左焊; 左焊法; 左向焊; 正手焊

forge welding锻焊; 锻接焊

forward welding正手焊; 左焊法; 左向焊; 前进焊; 前倾焊; 向前焊

friction welding摩擦焊; 摩擦焊接

friction welding machine摩擦焊接机

frontal fillet welding正面角焊

full automatic welding全自动焊

full-automatic arc welding全自动电弧焊

full-fillet welding满角焊

full-fusion thermit welding热剂铸焊

full-fusion welding全熔合焊

full-length welding满焊

fusion pressure welding熔化压接

fusion thermit welding热剂熔焊; 熔化铝热焊

fusion type plasma arc welding熔透型等离子弧焊

fusion type welding熔透型焊接法

fusion welding熔焊接

fillet welded joint填角焊缝

forge-welded (monolayered) cylinder锻焊式单层圆筒

forged and welded vessel锻焊式容器

fine welding精密焊接

fine wire welding细丝焊接

fire cracker welding躺焊

fixed-position welding定位焊接

flare welding喇叭形坡口焊接

flash butt welding闪光对接焊

flat position welding(顶面)平卧焊

flux-cored welding包芯焊条焊接

flat position of welding平焊位置

forehand welding顺手焊接

foreward welding左焊法

fusion welding熔焊

fusion pressure welding熔化压接

fusion thermit welding熔化铅热焊

furnace butt-welded pipe对接炉焊管

flywheel type friction welding; inertia welding储能摩擦焊

fusion welding metal熔焊金属

fabrication weldability工艺焊接性


gap weld特殊点焊; 双极单点焊

gas-pressure weld气压焊

girth weld环形焊缝

gravity weld倚焊

groove-weld joint有坡口焊接接头

galvanized and welded steel pipe镀锌焊缝钢管

galvanized electric welded mesh镀锌电焊网

galvanized welded tube镀锌焊缝管

galvanized welded wire mesh镀锌电焊网

gas welded joint气焊接头

guided-bend test for butt welded joint对接接头靠模弯曲试验

gas-electric welding气电联合焊接

gas metal arc welding气体保护金属极电弧焊, 熔化极气体保护焊

gas shielded arc welding气体保护焊, 气体保护弧焊

gas shielded magnetic flux arc welding磁性焊剂气体保护焊

gas torch welding炬焊

gas tungsten arc welding钨电极惰性气体保护焊

girth welding环缝焊接

gravity welding重力焊, 重力式电弧焊

gas carbon-arc welding气保护碳弧焊

gas electric welding气电联合焊接

gas metal arc welding气体保护金属极电弧焊

gas metal-arc welding气保护金属极电弧焊

gas shield welding气体保护弧焊

gas shielded arc welding气体保护电弧焊; 气体保护焊

gas shielded arc welding machine气保护弧焊机

gas shielded arc-welding machine气体保护弧焊机

gas shielded magnetic flux arc welding磁性焊剂气体保护电弧焊

gas shielded metal-arc welding气体保护金属弧焊

gas shielded welding气体保护焊

gas torch welding气炬焊

gas tungsten arc welding气体保护钨极电弧焊

gas tungsten-arc welding气保护钨极电弧焊

gas tungstun arc welding钨极气体保护焊

gas welding气焊; 乙炔焊

gas welding device气焊设备

gas welding equipment气焊设备

gas welding machine气焊机

gas welding outfit气焊机

gas welding rod气焊焊丝

gas welding rubber hose气焊橡胶管

gas welding technique气焊工艺

gas welding torch butt气焊进气硬管

gas welding tube mill瓦斯焊接机

gas welding work气焊工作

gas-arc welding气电焊; 气体保护电弧焊

gas-arc welding gun气电焊焊嘴

gas-press welding气压焊

gas-pressure welding machine气压焊接机

gas-shielded stud welding气保护柱钉焊接

girth welding环缝横向焊接

gravity type arc welding重力焊

gravity type welding倚焊

gravity welding重力焊; 重力式电弧焊

groove welding槽焊; 坡口焊; 开槽焊

guided automatic welding导向自动焊接

gun welding machine手提式点焊机; 点焊枪

gas-pressure weld 气压焊

groove weld 坡口焊

gas-pressure weld气压焊

groove weld坡口焊


hammer weld锻焊

hand weld手焊焊缝

height of reinforcement of weld加强焊缝高度

helical-weld pipe螺旋焊管

high performance weld flux高性能焊剂

horizontal fillet weld横向角缝焊接

horizontal weld横向焊缝

horizontal-vertical fillet weld横向垂直角焊缝

hot weld encapsulation热焊封袋

hydraulic automatic weld液压自动焊接

hydraulic weld process液压焊接法

horizontal bend test横弯试验

handhole with butt welded flange对焊法兰手孔

helically welded tube螺旋焊接管

helically-welded case螺旋焊接壳体

high frequency welded spiral fin tube高频焊接

high strength welded pipe高强度









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