Diapers and Kindles delivered to your doorstep not by truck, not by plane or train — but by drone? 你能想象一架无人机,而不是卡车、飞机或火车,将你订购的尿布、电子阅读器送到你家门口吗? Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos says that this reality may be just four or five years away. 亚马逊网站首席执行官杰夫·贝索斯称,这一愿景有望在四、五年内成为现实。 In a interview with Charlie Rose on CBS’s “60 Minutes” Bezos showed off Amazon-branded drones that he says can travel 10 miles and carry packages weighing up to five pounds to doorsteps in less than 30 minutes. 杰夫·贝索斯日前做客CBS电视台的《60分钟》新闻节目,在与主持人查理·罗斯的交谈中,杰夫展示了亚马逊研发的无人机。他称这台无人机可以在30分钟之内行驶10英里距离,将5磅重以下的包裹送货上门。 “These are octocopters,” Bezos said in the interview. “These are effectively drones, but there’s no reason these can’t be used as delivery vehicles.” “这是一种八翼无人机,”贝索斯在采访中说,“它们是非常有效率的无人机,没有什么理由它们不能用来送货。” You won’t be seeing them anytime soon — the FAA has yet to release rules about howunmanned flying vehicles may be used — but Bezos said he thinks Amazon could start offering a “Prime Air” service within four or five years. 这种无人机目前还不会被广泛应用,还有待联邦航空局对无人驾驶飞行器的行为规范做出相关规定。但是贝索斯称,四、五年内亚马逊就应该可以开始提供这种“Prime Air”服务。 “It will work, and it will happen,” Bezos said. The truth is that the FAA will ultimately decide that. 贝索斯说,“这种运输方式不仅行之有效的,而且具备现实的条件。” 此言是否属实,最终还得须由联邦航空局来决定。 |